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Planning Board Minutes 6/26/14
Planning Board minutes for Thursday June 26, 2014

The meeting opened at 7:10 p.m.

Members present: Alan Salamon, Larry Klein, Tom Sawyer, Stephen Enoch, co-chair, and Maggie Leonard, co-chair.

Members absent: Roger Tryon

Public present: Brian Koczela, a professional land surveyor, from BEK Associates.

Brian Koczela of BEK Associates presented the board with two Form A plans from Hume Lake Christian Camps, the Monterey Preservation Land Trust, and the Berkshire Natural Resources Council. The purpose of the survey is to clarify the property lines for a boundary line agreement. All the aforementioned parties are in agreement and signed the Form A. No land was sold, conveyed, or acreage otherwise altered or added to. The board unanimously approved the plan. A check for $40 was received.

The board read the minutes from June 12, 2014, which were amended. There was not a quorum of members from the prior meeting to approve the minutes as amended. It was agreed to submit the minutes to the Town Secretary as unapproved.

The board briefly discussed the case law re: non-conforming structures, uses, and lots. Salamon suggested that the board consult land use lawyer Mark Bobrowski.

The board discussed the following issues with regard to accessory dwelling units:
  • By-right for Ag-Res district acreage of minimum 2 acres/200’ frontage (including the lakeshore district?).
  • Square foot limitation or percentage of primary dwelling? (no decision)
  • Attached or not attached? (no decision)
  • Primary owner must be residing on the property in either primary or accessory dwelling.
  • We need to review the language in the current bylaw for multi-family dwellings.
  • Agreed to hold a public meeting (or hearing) on August 28th.
The board reviewed the special permit application for Berstein of 22 Limerock Lane. Leonard agreed to write a finding and bring it to the next meeting on July 10, 2014.

Respectfully Submitted,
Maggie Leonard, co-chair